About Us

Since Catesbys began, our touchstone has been the uniquely French expression l’art de vivre or the art of living. This simple philosophy neatly sums up our mission to make every day more enjoyable through the things that surround us.
Ten years on, we’ve scoured the globe finding special things made by equally special people, working with them to bring their wares to an appreciative audience.
Initially based in an old merchant’s house on the Norfolk coast, then an equally ancient property in the heart of Cambridge, nowadays we run our online store from a quintessentially English village.
Our collection combines home goods of uncommon beauty with vintage and antique finds gathered on our travels, and traditionally made heirloom Christmas decorations with work from the very best artists of the last century and this.
It’s a considered mix you won’t find anywhere else, carefully curated to bring the art of living into your life.